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From Knoxville

Traveling I40 east toward Asheville
Turn RIGHT off the exit ramp onto WINFIELD DUNN PKWY/Highway 66 S. go approx. 9 miles
Turn RIGHT onto PARKWAY/US-441 toward Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.
When you enter Pigeon Forge City Limits you will see that all red lights are numbered.
When you pass through red-light # 8 merge into the left-hand lane. Turn left on to Golf Dr (across from KFC).
You will cross a small bridge on Golf Dr and see the Camp Riverslanding office and entrance ahead of you on the right.

From Asheville

Traveling I40 West toward Knoxville
Turn Left off the exit ramp onto WINFIELD DUNN PKWY/ Highway 66 S. go approx. 9 miles
Turn RIGHT onto PARKWAY/US-441 toward Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.
When you pass through red-light # 8 merge into the left-hand lane. Turn left on to Golf Dr (across from KFC).
You will cross a small bridge on Golf Dr and see the Camp Riverslanding office and entrance ahead of you on the right.

From Gatlinburg

Leaving Gatlinburg you will travel approx. 5 miles through a woodsy area, you will come to the Pigeon Forge city limits.
Once you reach the Pigeon Forge city limit you have less than a mile before you turn right onto Golf Dr. It is right past a Bojangles. If you reach red light # 8 you have gone too far.
You will cross a small bridge on Golf Dr and see the Camp Riverslanding office and entrance ahead of you on the right.